wandering moon-Erigone
明け方に見える半月です。 ちょうど日の出頃に南中し、弦を下にして沈むので下弦と呼ばれます。)
Erigone Êrigonê (Born-at-Dawn) is called Alêtis because she wandered like the Moon Goddess, searching with her she-dog Maira (Glittering One) for her father Ikaros. For the farmer Ikaroshad brought the gift of wine from the birthplace of Dionysos, where the God Himself had taught him viticulture. Ikaros hitched up his plough team to pull the wagon of full wine skins through the countryside, but he was killed by wild shepherds when they became drunk. The dog Maira found the corpse where they had buried it by a tree, and brought Êrigonê to it. In grief she hung herself from that very tree, around which a vine had grown; thereby her love was fulfilled. The three ascended to the heavens; Ikaros became Bootes (the Ploughman), Êrigonê became Virgo (the Virgin) and Maira became Canicula (the Little Dog), or, as others say, the Dog-star |
Swinging like Erigone: During the day, the virgin Athenian girls let the boys push them in swings, associating themselves with the tragic figure of Erigone. Erigone's swingingWoman seated on a swing, 530-520 B. C. memorialized the sacred love-death of the tragic Erigone who hung herself after discovering her father dead in a well. Her father was Ikarios, the first man Dionysos showed how to make wine and whose death came at the hands of the ungrateful villagers he had first shared the nectar with as they believed he had poisoned them. Before Erigone's death she marries Dionysus and the girls would sing a song where they would touch the grape at the height of their ascent. The Roman poet Ovid has her become the god's wife by eating a grape, but in Aristotle's time a song of Erigone was penned by a famous erotic poet. Kerényi notes this rite that has roots as far back as ancient Crete and Sumer, judging by unearthed statuettes of swinging girls. Erigone's swinging symbolizes the moment of death and love, a theme rarely explored by artists in the present. This playful ritual formed a prelude for another sacred marriage, that of the Athenian queen with Dionysos. |
「Song of Erigone 」就是描寫她的放蕩。
也因此當處女座之 ε(Vindemiatrix->採葡萄者)在西邊的夜空閃耀時,人們就知道葡萄採收的季節到了。
印度的kanyaa カンヤー座(処女座)為乘船(渡彼岸)持劍(智慧)與火炬(明)的少女(處女)。
Hearing Persephone's screams, the goddess Demeter rushes to the meadow, but cannot find Persephone. Carrying a torch, Demeter traveled the world day and night, never eating or resting, searching futilely for her daughter. |
同樣Eleusis mysteries之奧秘則是重現母女團圓的場景。